Celebrating models and photographers creating artistic nude photography
Preparing images for the show
Image preparation for the show:
Model: Sid MacKinnon
We are flexible about presentation, so if you want to deviate from these guidelines, please talk with Bob Laetare who runs the gallery. The primary goal is that the presentation should complement the image.
Framing is optional, but the images must be able to be hung. Frames, if present, should be simple and complement the artwork.
Flush-mounted images are also acceptable, as are canvas or metal images and other printing processes that will hang.
No sawtooth hangers, nor plastic frames; your artwork is worth more than that.
Mat is optional, but does tend to enhance the image.
Minimum image size is 154in2. For example, a 11×14 image has this area; the actual dimensions depend on your artwork’s aspect ratio. If this is unclear, please contact Kenneth or Bob.
Maximum image size including mat and frame is 24x36in.
Images that vary substantially from what was submitted for jurying might not be shown.
Images are for sale unless you indicate otherwise (by NFS) in the data entry form. You keep the whole sale price; we are renting the gallery space.
You are responsible for getting the images to and from the gallery.
Bob has offered a 20% discount on printing for the show that is done at The Artistic Image.
With your image, bring a printed copy of the model release and proof of the model’s age. This information will not be shown, but will be stored for the duration for the show. If you have any questions, ask Bob.
Questions about image insurance should be directed to Bob Laetare at The Artistic Image.